Mysterious America

The Legend of Pemberton Hall

Since the 1950s, a story has been told to every generation of girls who reside in Eastern Illinois University’s legendary Pemberton Hall, the first all-female dormitory in the state of Illinois.

This story involves an infamous dorm mother named Mary Hawkins and the ghost of a girl who was allegedly murdered in the fourth floor piano room over ninety years ago.

Pemberton Hall’s fourth floor has been closed for generations, adding fuel to the legend.  Now peer behind the locked doors and find out what really happened on that dark and stormy night at Eastern Illinois University!

This is the most comprehensive account of the legend ever written.

Click the link below to download it for free!  Also, feel free to save this file and share it with your friends!

The Legend of Pemberton Hall by Michael Kleen

The Legend of Pemberton Hall by Michael Kleen
The Legend of Pemberton Hall by Michael Kleen

4 replies on “The Legend of Pemberton Hall”

What a wonderful article! I was a Pem Hall resident for 3 years, as was my older sister before me. You are right…Mary will always be with us for those of us who lived there. My freshman roommate saw a woman in white sitting beside her bed one night during her Junior year. And my TV used to turn off and on by itselt quite often while I lived there. Mary was never a “scary” ghost. At least during my stay there (1991 – 1994), she was someone that watched over all the girls in Pem and protected them.


Awesome article Mike , I ‘d like to visit Pemberton sometime and investigate this further. I want to let you know i also added your website to the PAIR A NORMALGUYS INC facebook group link section . I feel you have a great site and would like you to post as many articles as you like. Thank you for also being a member .

jason p
have a supernatural day


Hey Mike ,
Your new site is great! How is everything going at home? I am going to make plans to come up this spring, so be ready to do some walking. I have some friends that live on the same road as the Cemetery of Resurection Mary. Don’t know how far you are but it would be nice to have a tour guide up there. Keep up the good work.


Hey Michael,

Nice job on the Pemberton article. Very thorough. I think we now have included it in our “Pemberton Ghost File” at the reference area of Booth Library. Now, when freshman come into the library asking if we know anything about the legend, we can point them to your article.

Take care,



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